Welcome to 

St Mary's Catholic School Ellerslie

Principal's Welcome

A very warm welcome to St Mary’s Catholic School Ellerslie, where we provide a quality Catholic Education for Years 1-6 children.

We are a school with a long and rich history closely connected to our founders - the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions; who founded our school in 1912, our Parish and local community.

We show a genuine care for our children and place wellbeing and learner achievement at the centre. Excellence is encouraged, diversity valued and success celebrated. 

We encourage active parent and whānau participation in, and support of, all aspects of school life. We all work together to provide a high quality education where our special character permeates all that we do.  

I'm proud to lead and work alongside a team of dedicated teachers and support staff here at St Mary’s.

Sue Kubala - Principal

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To Download:

Go to the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, search for “@school mobile ” and download the FREE Etap School App  and you’re ready to go! Please contact the school office if you require your login or passwords to be reset.

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We have a very active St Mary's Facebook Page. We post our newsletters, school events and student achievements on our Facebook page. It is a great way to keep up to date with our day to day school life.


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